BelAmiOnline - Helmut's Accidental Lovers - 1080p

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BelAmiOnline - Helmut's Accidental Lovers (1080P).mp4
Format : MPEG-4 , Codec ID : isom , Duration : 1 h 57 min 33 s , Bit rate : 6 483 kb/s
Width 1 920 pixels , Height  1 080 pixels ,Display aspect ratio  : 16:9

Actors: Helmut Huxley, Jerome Exupery, Antony Lorca, Jarrod Lanvin, Hoyt Kogan, Phillipe Gaudin, Tersten Ullman, Jeroen Mondrian.

Description - Helmut's Accidental Lovers. This one showcases the stunning gay porn star Helmut Huxley.

For more detail see screenshot.


2018-04-04 06:55:19
5.49 GB (5,894,676,350 bytes)
1 files